Taken (Enchanted Gods Book 3) Read online

Page 6

  A flashback flickers through my mind—the snake attack in Weeki Wachee and the earthquake at Trisha’s Enchanting that almost took Brett too soon. Then I remember his body falling from the ceiling of the gym and onto the iceberg. A prickly chill spreads through me. If anything happens to him… Then it clicks.

  Erebus must have been talking about Brett when referring to my friend who won’t live past winter. But no one will let him die. He’ll be okay. Enchanters will heal him.

  I’m still feeding myself reassuring thoughts when Arabella kneels beside me and squeezes my hand. “I don’t know, Kat. He was hurt pretty badly. Trisha’s been trying to heal him ever since the fall, but he landed in a pool of ice water, and some of the balloons shattered on him—”

  “Stop it,” Alec cuts in sharply. Ignoring Arabella’s piercing look, he kneels on the other side of me. “Kat needs her energy, and Brett is in good hands.” When he’s done scolding Arabella, he turns to me. “What happened in there? Did Erebus hurt you?”

  I shake my head and take a deep breath. As I let the moon’s energy soak into my bones, I feel much stronger. My restored strength allows me to sit up, and without much thought, I search the space for Johnny.

  My eyes lock on his from across the garden. He’s leaning against a tree, mask removed. I can see him now. Tall, bronze, strong, and brooding, he’s everything I remember falling hopelessly for. I remember his words from earlier. I want to see you. With a gentle tug on the string beneath my hair, I let my mask fall to my lap. His lips part slightly as he sucks in a quick gasp of air.

  I tear my gaze from his and focus on Arabella. “Erebus wanted to deliver a message,” I say sardonically. “He thinks if he threatens me, I’ll tell him what I know about the mysterious energy source, but I know only what Rose tells me—which is nothing.”

  “I don’t get it.” Arabella is pacing back and forth across the garden. “You’re no closer to having the information he wants than the last time he was here. Why come back now?”

  I shrug. “He was growing impatient and wanted to make sure we didn’t get too comfortable. That’s all I know.”

  Alec throws Johnny a glare. “Maybe Johnny can shed some light. After all, he’s made Erebus his first priority since leaving Apollo Beach.”

  The comment is a pointed jab that stings me more than I know Alec meant to. Johnny flinches, and his eyes dart between all of us in the garden. “How the hell do I know why that evil piece of shit does anything?”

  “So, that’s it? You’ve just been following him around all these months and you’ve learned nothing?” Alec’s voice continues to rise, his accusation clear.

  “That’s not what I said.” I can practically hear his words rumble in his chest as he growls them out.

  Arabella flips her fiery red hair and turns her dazzling green eyes on Johnny. “Tell us what you’ve learned.”

  Johnny bows his head then looks back up. “I’ve been following Erebus for a long time. When I saw him start to head in this direction earlier today, I decided to beat him here. I didn’t know he would try something tonight,” Johnny says. “I didn’t even know you were all having some fancy ball until I got into town.”

  “Yet, you had time to buy a tux.” Alec spits out his accusation with a shake of his head.

  “It was my father’s.” Johnny chokes out his words.

  Silence takes over the space. My heart breaks, my chest tightens, and I suck in a slow breath to keep from falling apart right here. I want to crawl into a hole, curl up, and escape all the drama, the confusion, and the hurt.

  Alec touches my arm. “Are you feeling better?”

  He’s so gentle and caring, but all I want is to go home. “I’m fine.”

  Arabella is back to pacing. “What is up with Erebus and this energy source? How could he possibly think it will help him? I mean, why does he need Kat when it’s the Elders who are keeping the secret. Why not torment one of them?”

  I glare at her. She’s asking the questions all of us are thinking, but that doesn’t make it any easier to hear. “Let’s be grateful he’s coming after me. We know he won’t kill me, and we know he can’t possess me. I’d rather not put anyone else in harm’s way.”

  Johnny clears his throat. “The Elders aren’t the only ones who know about the energy source.”

  All eyes turn to him.

  “There are others who know—and they help keep the secret safe.”

  “And how do you know that?” Alec challenges.

  “I’ve learned a lot,” Johnny reminds him dryly. “I followed Erebus. I studied him. And I met others who know about him.”

  “Tell us everything.” I say, trying to temper my tone.

  Johnny nods. “Erebus traveled from coast to coast. His mission was unclear at first, but then I noticed something interesting. He spent more time in the communities that contained energy plants like the one here in Apollo Beach. He never approached the plants. He just stood at the entrance gates, watching, as if waiting for an invitation. So I can’t help but wonder if maybe the energy source is tied to whatever he’s looking for in those plants.”

  There’s a sinking in my chest as I recall the last time I mentioned anything about the Apollo Beach Energy Plant to Rose. She absolutely lost it. I had a strange feeling about the place during my visit, but Rose’s reaction confirmed my fears that a secret was being contained within its walls. What if the secret of the energy source is tied to the energy plant… or all coastal energy plants?

  Johnny shivers as if he’s registering a painful memory, and I’m tempted to tell him to stop. I don’t know what he’s been through out there, but I can imagine traveling in the shadow of his late parents must have been a daunting journey.

  “He’d visit a community and take a new body. Most of the time, the bodies he possessed were released to continue their lives. But there was one particular body he stayed in for well over two weeks—and not just once. He seemed to know her well, and she never put up a fight.” He tilts his head at the memory, seeming disturbed by what he witnessed. “Every time he released her, she seemed frazzled, confused—like she didn’t know who or where she was. But she never died. I followed her out of curiosity because she was different.” He frowns. “She has no family, no friends. She just lives in solitude until Erebus needs to use her body.”

  His story causes every hair on my body to stand on end. How devastating for the lives he’s stolen. And that poor woman.

  “You said there are others who know the secret. How do you know that?” Alec asks.

  Johnny reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a small vial. “This. It’s called seapol juice. If you’ve noticed a decrease of the pollution in the bay, it’s because of this.”

  Arabella gasps. “I thought that was just a myth!”

  Despite the mood of the night, I can’t help but smile. Clearly, she doesn’t see the irony in her words because she’s focused on the bottle Johnny holds. She lunges for it, and he allows her to snatch it from his hands.

  “Keep it,” he says. “I have more. One drop covers a five-mile radius. Overusing it can have disastrous effects on the ocean. It’s like sanitization. If you over-sanitize, you kill the good bacteria. Sea creatures thrive off those bacteria and enzymes, so you just need to use enough to kill the bad stuff.”

  Arabella nods, eyes wide. “I get it. Thank you. How did you hear about this?”

  “That bottle contains energy from the plants I visited—and a drop of my blood. The plant scientists showed me some of the responsibilities my father held. Creating and distributing seapol juice was one of them.”

  He tries to hide it, but I see Alec roll his eyes.

  “Why energy from the coastal plants? What’s the difference?” I ask.

  Johnny shrugs. “Those were the only ones I visited. They all seemed to be connected, though, because they all knew about seapol juice.”

  “They?” Alec implores. I can tell he’s annoyed that Johnny’s returned with limited informat
ion. I want to snap at him, to tell him to ease up on Johnny, but that might trigger something else I’m not ready for.

  “The scientists there. They were all walking around in white lab coats, like they were part of one giant science experiment. They were all run by Enchanters, which made me wonder something.” He looks around at all of us, and even the air stills to stop and listen. “I think the coastal energy plants signify where the Solstice settlements are.”

  I stand up abruptly, feeling the need to pace around like Arabella. Can that all be true? Maybe this is part of the secret Rose has been keeping from me, and maybe Erebus is after this information too. He could be mapping out each location as part of his plan to destroy all of us. And he probably plans to use me to do it.

  Trembling, I meet Johnny’s eyes. “You probably shouldn’t tell us any more until Rose can hear it. She knows more about this than anyone, and if she thinks it’s too dangerous for me to have this information, then I trust her.”

  Johnny nods. “I’ll come by your house to speak to Rose tomorrow.”

  It’s a question, though it’s not vocalized as such. I know what he’s asking. If he comes by my house tomorrow, we’ll have a chance to talk alone. I can feel the heat from Alec’s mood as his face turns beet red. He opens his mouth to say something but stops himself. The silence is just as disturbing.

  “Another thing,” Johnny says as if it’s just come to him. “We were in the Florida panhandle before Erebus headed for Apollo Beach. He brought some people with him. I’m certain they were Equinox Followers.”

  “Erebus is traveling with Followers?”

  He nods. “Six, that I know of. I think everything he’s done since leaving has been with the intention of coming back, as if Apollo Beach is the be-all and end-all of his fate.”

  “So… what?” Alec asks. “He’s building a bigger army?”

  Johnny nods. “I think so. We don’t know how many stayed here after the night of the carnival. Others traveled with Erebus, and there are probably more coming. He’s most likely lining up hosts to keep his cover.” His eyes land on me, causing a flush to surface on my cheeks. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “No thanks to you,” Alec mutters.

  Johnny hears him—we all do—but Johnny’s strength is in his silence. Or maybe he agrees with Alec.

  My phone buzzes, and I race to answer it. It’s Rose. “We’re okay,” I say immediately. “We’re in the garden.”

  Paul, Rose, and Charlotte fly through the garden entrance a moment later with Isaac and all of Arabella’s sisters. Kaleb and Khloe bring up the rear while staring down at a gray contraption in Kaleb’s hands. I ignore everyone and close the distance to the twins so I can look at the device. There’s something familiar about it.

  “I found this by the ice cave entrance,” Kaleb says with his eyes on me. “Do you know what it is?”

  I nod and pull it from his hands before swiveling around to find Johnny, who’s already eyeballing the device with wide eyes. “This is yours?” I ask him. “Erebus threw this down before he left that man’s body, told me he’d been on a long journey, and said to ask you where he’s been.”

  Johnny takes it from me and pushes buttons, growing angrier by the second. “He knows I followed him. He must have just found this.” Johnny is so close to me, I can feel the heat of his words. “He stopped the GPS signal at 2:50 today.” He shakes his head as if trying to convince himself of something. “I saw too much. There’s no way he knew I was following him before today. I’m sure he’s provoked now, though.”

  I can’t read Johnny’s expression. He appears withdrawn, most likely reflecting on his time away. I’m dying to ask him questions, but suddenly, the courtyard is bustling. I’m exhausted and in no mood to answer everyone’s questions. Alec is in deep conversation with Khloe. Arabella is showing her sisters and father the vial of seapol juice under the loving arm of Kaleb.

  Then my eyes lock on Johnny’s. I communicate to him with my imploring eyes because it’s the only way I know how among our family and friends. I don’t know why you’re back or why you tried to kiss me on the dance floor, but please don’t leave again. I know he can’t hear my thoughts, but Johnny always had a way of interpreting my emotions.

  My dad puts his arm around me and squeezes tightly while he talks to Rose and Charlotte. Johnny looks between us, confusion written on his face. A pang hits my chest when I realize just how much he’s missed.

  “Johnny, meet my father, Paul Summer.” I turn to my dad. “This is Johnny Pierce.” I don’t have to explain any more than that.

  My dad tilts his gaze, familiarity lighting up his expression. “Mr. Pierce, it’s good to meet you. I hear you’ve had quite the adventure.”

  My dad is polite, for which I’m thankful.

  “It was an eye-opening experience,” Johnny says. “Actually, I’d like to come by tomorrow and talk to you and Rose about it, if that’s okay.” Johnny darts a look at me, and I nod for him to continue. “I’d like to share what I’ve learned.”

  My dad hugs me tighter to him protectively. “That would be fine. Can we meet in the afternoon, around one? I need to run some errands in the morning.”

  Johnny nods. “Yes, sir. Any time is fine with me.”

  I can’t help wondering how long he plans to stick around. It’s all too much to think of right now. At least he’ll still be here tomorrow. It’s enough to allow myself to give in to my exhaustion. I peer up at my father. “Can you take me home? My head hurts, and I’d really like to sleep.”

  “Your head? From what?” He begins to examine my injuries. He gasps when he notices dried blood at the crown of my head.

  I frown, not wanting to get into the story now. “Erebus banged me up a little, but I’ll be fine once I sleep it off.”

  “Hold still,” my dad demands and places his hands on both sides of my head wound.

  I do as he says, somewhat giddy to experience another person healing me. I’m usually the one healing others. He blows lightly, and I feel a slight tingling at the top of my skull then a tightening. Everyone’s eyes are on us.

  Ah, that feels good. “All better,” I say with a smile.

  “He could have killed you, Katrina. How can you be so smiley?” Rose scoffs.

  “Erebus wasn’t here to kill me. He came trying to pry information about the energy source from me. Thanks to Rose, Queen of Secrets, I had no information to divulge.” I bat my eyes at her.

  Rose narrows her eyes at me as all attention turns to her. “Is that so?” she asks dryly.

  “He won’t stop until he uncovers the truth, Rose.”

  Rose folds her arms defiantly. “While he may come close, he’ll never uncover the secret of our energy source. Only a handful know the truth, and I’ll die before exposing it to him.”

  Too many thoughts running through my mind for me to sleep, so I wrap my throw blanket around me and trudge downstairs to the library. I take the stairs to the second floor and pull on the candle to open the door to the hidden den. With a slow wave of my hand, I light the wall candles, setting the room aglow.

  There’s magic in this room—literally and metaphorically. The warm walls, candle-lit ambiance, rich ancient history, and closed-off space bring comfort and peace when nothing else can, not even my emerald. If there’s a place in this house that makes me feel safe, it’s this room.

  After Johnny left on his hunt for Erebus, the library became my sanctuary—a place I could escape to and concentrate on things I could learn to control. Everything else just made me feel helpless and reminded me of the agonizing heartbreak of Johnny Pierce leaving me on that dock.

  My emerald, a subject I rarely research because there has never been any reason to, is on my mind tonight. I’ve always known the family stone I wear around my neck calms my anxiety, helps me control my magic by giving me extra focus, and acts as a generator for my powers. What I didn’t realize was how lost I would be without it until I faced Erebus tonight. Out of curiosity, I
scan the shelves for a book on energy and crystals. When I find one, I lay it flat on the desk.

  I’ve become quite good at skimming books and digesting them quickly. Speed-reading has been a welcome addition to my heightened senses. Without knowledge of our history, the future is a desolate void. How else could I possibly begin to understand the life that brought us here today?

  I flip quickly through the sections on moonstones, opals, and diamonds, until I arrive at the emerald. Beryl, apparently, is the proper name for the green stone I wear around my neck, and it has become a trademark among Enchanters due to our spiritual link with nature.

  The symbolism alone gives Enchanters a good excuse to carry this stone around. However, its energy plays well with our magic, making the emerald the perfect stone for our bloodline. We who hold the stone close have a direct link with nature, but we don’t need it to use or control our powers. So why did I feel so weak against Erebus without it tonight?

  I close the book and sigh. Up until now, my emerald has worked without any effort on my part—like in my sleep, banishing the unwanted dreams. It has failed my heart, though, when it comes to Johnny Pierce. Around him and only around him, my stone feels useless. Even with the stone pressed snugly to my skin, his presence always activates the tiny earthquakes in my heart. Even now.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket.

  Alec. He probably can’t sleep either. I start to tap the button to answer the call, but pull back almost immediately when I realize he might want to ask me questions about Johnny. I’m not ready for that. I hesitate too long, allowing the call to go to voicemail. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.

  As I yawn, tearing up, I pick up another book on the Equinox then snuggle into the couch. When I get to the section on the first Enchanter-Equinox War in Athens, my eyelids grow heavy.

  My dad is asleep in a chair in the corner of my room when I awaken. He must have found me and moved me to my bed. His brow is furrowed, hinting at where wrinkles will one day appear. The corners of his mouth dip naturally, just as mine do, and his hair is mussed, proof of the stress of last night.